
Frequently asked questions

What is OX Rooms?

OX Rooms is an online workspace designed for real estate agents, solicitors, conveyancers and clients to communicate, share documents and sign contracts quickly and securely. OX Rooms helps with pre-settlement stages of conveyance (from marketing launch to post-exchange). We are the place to get your contract negotiated and exchanged.

OX Rooms is a virtual negotiating table, bringing together the right people with the right information at the right time and removing friction.

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What sets OX Rooms apart?

Digital signing is cool, and essential and a great improvement to achieve a signature but exchanging contracts in conveyancing is still often done over emails, letters, or in person. This method requires someone to compare the two contracts to ensure they are the same before signatures by preparing execution copies or after signature by doing a side-by-side comparison. It is slow, repetitive and risky but it was necessary, until OX Rooms.

OX Rooms can handle messaging, document sharing, client and colleague updates and digital signing for property transactions. OX Rooms is an upstream change to the process of conveyancing. Instead of playing tennis by email with multiple recipients, everything is happening in your OX Room. And, when interesting things happen like someone sends you a message, a document is shared with you, or the other party is ready to exchange, everyone gets notified (by email and in the OX Room). You also have a matter status bar so you can see where everything is up to.

Who is OX Rooms for?

OX Rooms is for agents and conveyancers that want to deliver a premium customer experience without finding a new software provider. It keeps agents, buyers and sellers engaged and informed without putting agents and conveyancers to extra effort but it also delivers leading technology used elsewhere in the industry for a fraction of the cost and without the long-term commitment.

Conveyancers and agents get a lighting fast, organised and cutting edge platform so they can focus one getting the job done.

Getting started

It's simple. No onboarding is necessary but if you want it, it’s there and it’s free! We are always excited to meet our users so if you would like a hand to get started or a tour of the platform, please reach out to us at hello@oxrooms.com.au.

Real estate agents, lawyers, or conveyancers can set up a room for the selling side without the run-around or onboarding fees. Just enter your details, create a password and get started. The seller and the buying side need to be invited to a room by either the agent or the seller legal representatives.

You need a valid email address and a registered credit card (if you are the payer). The seller legal representative is charged for completed exchange transactions. So if the contract is not exchanged, there is no charge.

Once you are in, you can add your team to your workspaces. If you have a team mailbox, add that too.

Trouble logging-in and trouble-shooting?

The smoothest first-time log-in or sign-up experience is via PC or Laptop. If you have had a verification error, please use the password re-set function on the sign-in page. If that doesn’t help, please email us at support@oxrooms.com.au.

If you haven’t received an invite but you are expecting one, check your junk folders and spam filters. If there is nothing there, please double check that the sender has your correct email address.

For anything else, please email us at support@oxrooms.com.au.

System requirements and software

OX Rooms runs best on recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Brave via MacOS and Windows. You can also access OX Rooms via the browser on your mobile device but we recommend your do your first-time log-in on a laptop or PC.

No software installations are required! OX Rooms is a cloud-based platform accessible from any browser.

What parties can be invited and who invites whom?

Agents and Seller Legal Representatives invite new parties to the OX Room to start with. Once there is a Buying Group with a Buyer Legal Representative, the Buyer Legal Representative can invite others from their client group and is required to approve the invitations to subsequent Buyers.

Agents and Seller Legal Representatives can set up more than one Buying Group for EOIs, private treaty with multiple offers or pre-auction negotiations.

An email invitation will be sent to the parties when they are invited to an OX Room and you can see whether or not they have accepted their invite on the parties page.

What about security in OX Rooms?

Check out our security page for a detailed breakdown. We offer two-factor authentication (2FA) which significantly boosts the security of your OX Rooms account. This extra security layer protects your sensitive real estate transaction data from unauthorised access.

We can tell you that emails are far less secure than OX Rooms and a known access point for cyber criminals to target firms and individuals. Move your important work to a safer environment.

Conveyancing is risky. Hackers are targeting agents and law firm via their email accounts. Individuals are also targeted through their email accounts. Cyber-security isn’t just the current buzz, it’s a huge risk area for everyone involved in high value transactions. Firms that have experienced cyber breaches face ongoing issues even after the threat has been handled. Conveyancing is probably your firm's biggest risk, it's logical to isolate that traffic in a secure space. It keeps the conveyancing work safe and your other important data isolated from the threat of cyber attacks.Security should be layered. By moving high-risk matters to a secure space, you're safeguarding your clients and your firm, providing peace of mind.

Who pays the transaction fee for using OX Rooms, and what is the amount?

The transaction fee for using OX Rooms, $49.50 including GST, is generally incurred by the seller’s legal representative. This fee is charged to their credit card upon the completion of the exchange. If you need additional documents exchanged in the same matter there is a reduced fee.

Agents that want to pay, can elect to pay at matter set-up.

If you don’t reach an exchange, you don’t pay.

Can OX Rooms replace my current software?

Most agencies and firms have great in-house software but it doesn't do what OX does. In fact, no-one does what we do. And, We probably don’t do what your current software does. OX Rooms is designed to complement, not replace, your existing systems.

And, because we don't charge on a subscription basis or and on-boarding is optional (and free) there's nothing stopping you from trying it out.

What about in-person contract signings? Like auctions?

Post auction signing on glass, what a treat. OX Rooms supports digital in-person signings. The contract, once signed, is instantly shared with all parties involved saving administrative time and unnecessary follow ups. We also allow for upload of hand-signed documents to be added to the contract during the exchange process.

Even better, you can all sign on one device or receive the signing request via email or SMS.

What is the OX Book?

The OX Book is a comprehensive record of the transaction journey, capturing communication, documents, versions, and executed contracts and short summary. It's a complete, exportable package of the transaction history.

Once a transaction is complete, parties must download the OX Book and save it directly into their agency or firm's filing system. The OX Book is personalised by User. You only get the material you had access to in the OX Room.

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Start using a faster and better way to get to exchange

Say goodbye to one-way communication and embrace secure document sharing, real-time tracking, and both virtual and in-person signing.